The 61st annual festival will be held in 2025

Marie Morrison Ch. Cup Classes 144,145,146 (Championship 16yrs & over)
Chun-I (Amy) Chang

Gary Moore Challenge Cup Classes 140, 141,142 (C/ship 14 & 15 yrs)
Tony Chen

Sutton Challenge Cup Classes 131,132,133 (Championship 12 & 13yrs)
Victor Gan

Cooper & Curd Challenge Cup Classes 121,122,123 (C/ship 10 & 11 yrs)
Emma Qiu & Zoe Zhu (joint winners)

Hilda Veale Challenge Cup Classes 117,118,119 (C/ship under 10yrs)
Ashani Waidyatillake

Whitehead Challenge Cup Classes 118,122 (Junior Baroque Highest Mark)
Ashani Waidyatillake

Whitehead Challenge Cup Classes 132, 141 (Senior Baroque Highest Mark)
Victor Gan

R.L.H. Challenge Cup (popular solo) Class 124
Geoffrey Huang

K & J Farley Challenge Cup Class 134 (Popular Solo 13yrs & over)
Not awarded

R.L.H. Challenge Cup (Large) Classes 126 & 136 (Winner NZ Composition)
Ana Jeon

Jun Family Trophy Class 125 (Solo Recital 12yrs & under)
Emma Qiu

Roulston Cup Class 135 (Solo Recital 13 to 15 yrs)
Tony Chen

Anna & Keith Miller Trophy for Senior Recital or Nomination Award
Not awarded

Jean Y. Phillpotts Trophy Class 128 (Sonatina/Sonata 1mvt. 12yrs & Under)
Ashani Waidyatillake

Jean Y. Phillpotts Award Class 138 (Sonata/Sonatina 1 mvt. 13 to 15 yrs)
Veda Xue

Gwenneth Short Trophy Class 143 (Sonata/Sonatina 1mvt. 16 yrs & over)
Arnold Lee